
Unsur Unaue Naakah Drama Dlm Bahasa Sund

CAST Queen, wicked, self-absorbed queen Snow White, beautiful, young lady Magic Mirror, a wise-cracking mirror. Hunter, slow-witted with a crush on the queen. Trekky, a very logical dwarf Smelly, a dwarf with a serious hygiene problem. Bossy, a overbearing dwarf Dummy, a mentally-challenged dwarf. Prince Charming Scene 1 Interior of the castle. Enter the QUEEN.

Drama bahasa inggris KABAYAN IS A WISE BOY. Created by: Fachri Hanifan. Savvanah Mardiyah. We will perform a Drama which are fixed with least of three story. Narrator: In the afternoon, when Kabayan was sit in the Bamboo’s chair, his father asked to him about his attitude. Abah: Hey Kabayan what happened with you? I often see you.

She crosses over to the magic mirror. QUEEN: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all? MIRROR: What? Are you back again?

You come to me twice or three times a day and ask me that same question. What is the deal here? QUEEN: I want to know if I am the fairest woman in the kingdom. MIRROR: Why is it you need so much reassurance?

Is your self image that bad? You don't need a magic mirror--you need a therapist. QUEEN: What I DON'T need is your advice. Now, answer my question! Say one of those witty poems you do like, 'Roses are red: violets are blue.

Fairest in the kingdom is the one and only you,' or Roses are red: daises are white, If you think you're best, you sure are right.' MIRROR: Okay, okay.

Roses are red: violets are blue. The best-looking babe is someone else, not you.

QUEEN: Thank you, thank you. You sure know how to flatter a woman, you big tease! (Realizing what he just said.) Not me? What do you mean when you said, 'not you'?

MIRROR: Do you need a dictionary? What part of 'not you' don't you understand?

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You’re not the best-looking babe in the kingdom. QUEEN: (Throwing a temper tantrum.) Well, why not? I do aerobic exercises every day, eat a low-fat diet, and I bought one of those exercise bikes that have the big fan for a wheel. MIRROR: Not good enough. Somebody is still doing better than you are. QUEEN: If it isn't me, then who is it?

MIRROR: Roses are red. The sun is so bright. The best-looking woman is called Snow White. QUEEN: Snow White? MIRROR: That's what I said. QUEEN: My step daughter?

The one I command to wash the floors of the castle? MIRROR: Uh-huh. QUEEN: The girl I dress in rags, command to scrub the entire castle with nothing more than an old toothbrush? MIRROR; And the girl with the perfect white skin, no age spots, knock out figure and skin wouldn't know a pimple if she fell over it.

QUEEN: But I work night and day on my beauty, wear the latest in medieval fashions, and use every beauty aide available! MIRROR: But Snow White just naturally looks good. QUEEN: (To the audience.) I hate her.

MIRROR: Have you seen her since she got that make over? All the knights think she's hot enough to burn through solid steel. (He howls like a wolf.) QUEEN: That's quite enough, Magic Mirror! MIRROR: She can do her make up in my mirror anytime! QUEEN: You're forgetting who's mirror you are! MIRROR: I'm yours, Queenie, but if you want to give me to her as a birthday present, I'm willing! (The QUEEN storms off stage left.) Blackout Scene 2 Outside of the castle Enter Snow White dressed in rags and carrying a bucket and a toothbrush to scrub the courtyard of the castle.

She kneels down and starts scrubbing. SNOW: Scrub, scrub, scrub—that's all I ever do! Scrub this, Snow White. Have this dry cleaned by five o'clock so I can go to the ball at the neighboring castle, Snow White. I hate doing all this cleaning! And at minimum wage no less!

Why didn't I stay in school and get an education? (Upset.) Look at my hands! (Changing her mind.) They're. Well, beautiful.

I have beautiful hands. I have a beautiful face. Quite frankly, I am very beautiful. The queen thinks she's beautiful, but have you noticed how she's been putting on weight lately? And if you take a good look at her skin it's getting pretty wrinkled.

I think the visits to the tanning salon are finally catching up with her. I never go to the tanning salons. As a matter of fact, I never go anywhere without my sun blocker. It's Spf 70-the highest you can buy. I love my alabaster skin. My dear father named me for my skin.

Unsur Unaue Naakah Drama Dlm Bahasa Sund

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself to you. I am 'Snow White.'

Did you hear that? 'Snow White.' If I tanned I would have to change my name as well as be the victim of premature aging. QUEEN: (offstage.) Snow White, quit talking to the audience and get back to work!

SNOW: That's the queen. She's my stepmother. I don't want to sound mean but I don't like her very much.