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A race gives you a chance to get out on a beautiful scenic course, with other like-minded people, and have a fun day of exercise in a safe environment. A race gives you a chance to dig deep, deeper than you will at training. And you get a “Race Time” which you can use to measure your improvement. I came out of Byron Bay Triathlon with a hollow feeling. I’d gone into the race out of form, with little swim or bike training.

I’d recently started run training for the and was interested to see how this would affect my run time. But it was a ‘C’ race for me – no taper.

My goal was to have fun and enjoy the race. And I came out with an Olympic distance PB – my fastest ever Olympic distance tri by 1 minute! So why the hollow feeling? Well, it wasn’t a PB because I’d aced it or grown to a new level after my recent Ironman. It was a PB because the course was short!

To be fair, the organiser’s warned us prior to the start that the ride would be short due to recent storm damage so it wasn’t their fault. But 34.5km instead of 40km makes a significant difference to my finish time – like 10 mins!

And on the run, I’ve been trying to crack 40 mins for years and I could tell this wasn’t going to be the race as I was on track for about 41:30. Yet when I stopped my watch over the finish line I see 40:11! Only 11 seconds off the sub-40 – I could definitely have dug deep for that.

Later I found the Garmin measured the run at 9.65km. That explains the free minute. Gosh, if they’d shortened it to 9.5km I’d have got my sub-40! During my three years in triathlon my OD times have been steadily dropping. Race time was my yardstick to confirm that I was improving, and by how much; to confirm that the training was working!

This latest race has fully exposed that “Race Time” in a triathlon is not that useful a measurement – courses differ and “Race Time” is course dependent; weather differs and “Race Time” is weather dependent. So what about using finishing place to measure performance? Well, as my recent 2nd overall at the shows, placing is all about who turns up (or doesn’t). And your placing depends on how fast your competitors go. If you are racing for a place then it is going to be a LOT harder to smile and shake your head in disappointment when the big packs of drafters go past on the bike!

Suddenly what other people are doing matters: they’re stealing your place! You can measure your performance against your friends or rivals. But again, your performance depends on theirs – they might be injured, or they might have done a monster training block and be in the form of their life. It’s a better measurement, a fun measurement, but not a reliable measurement. The best bet is to go back to the same race year after year.

The weather will average things out over the years – just so long as they don’t change the course! Or you could run instead I’ve recently started doing a weekly 5km.

The same route every week. There’s nowhere to hide! Last month I took on the challenge.

Or, as we say in the TwitterSphere:. What is 30 Days of Biking? Free download midi terbaru 2018 for karafun. The aim of #30daysofbiking was to ride your bike, every day, for the 30 days of April. Some people upped the ante and set themselves minimums (like 1 hour per day). For others it was enough to just hop on the bike and ride round the block. I never set myself a minimum as I thought just getting out on the bike would be hard enough (it was too hard as it turned out!), but once I got on the bike I always found myself riding at least 15 mins. Goals When I heard about #30daysofbiking, it just sounded right.

It was almost a month since and I hadn’t touched a bike the entire time; my bike fitness was declining and I had triathlons coming up – I needed to start riding again! But I also liked the ‘ back to basics‘ feel of it. Getting round by bike was what I did as a kid. I’m always keen for something that’ll make me feel young again! I didn’t have any clearly defined goals – apart from the obvious goal of riding every day! The End Let’s skip straight to the last page I rode for 27 of the 30 days.

I missed one day because I left it too late and by the time I could get out (10pm-ish) I was too tired (soft), another I missed because I ended up working past midnight (soft), and the third I missed because because I think I just didn’t care to be honest! (soft) What was Good about #30daysofbiking? • It got me out – a lot of it was low quality cycling with kids on the back, but it got me out! • It challenged me.