Read File Of Derekrake The Hardcore Female Pschological Tricks
How to talk to women and create powerful, intense attraction using deep, hypnotic and intimate conversations Learn how to make meaningful, lasting and seductive conversations beyond small talk, false pretense and shallow flattery STOP AND READ THIS FIRST ConversationalSeduction is not for everybody, and if you’re looking for any of these things then you should stop reading this page and go look for an alternative elsewhere. • It’s not about routines and magic games as popularized by the so-called pickup artists (PUAs). • It’s not about wearing outlandish costumes and top hats to catch a woman’s attention. • It’s not about building your inner game, visualizations, affirmations or any kind of “new age” hocus pocus. • It’s not about “black magic”, “seduction occult” or anything that “forces” a woman to like you.
Learn how to attract women using some rather unconventional female psychology tricks. Don't read this if you're squeamish! Home; Our Best Guides; Contact Us; How To Attract Women – Using Disqualification (And Other Covert Seduction Techniques) May 22, 2017 By Mark Roberts. Your comment simply demonstrates what Derek Rake has been.
• It’s not a book about getting laid in 30 minutes. CONVERSATIONALSEDUCTION™ IS NOT A MAGIC BULLET ConversationalSeduction is not a gimmicky quick-fix solution. Techniques inside this program require practice, and will not turn you into a suave player with a silver tongue by this evening. Instead, if you’re willing to immerse yourself in the program and do the simple-to-follow exercises, then you will quickly master the art of talking your way into a woman’s heart using proven rapport-building strategies anchored deeply in the science of human psychology and advanced persuasion. There’s absolutely no guesswork involved as this program is backed by hardcore science.
You probably know a nice woman who has a sweet personality, shapely body, and a gorgeous face, yet only seems to only want to date jerks and scumbags. And you wonder how can you get her to like you instead? Of course, you may already be well equipped with a barrage of cutting-edge seduction techniques courtesy of Derek Rake’s program, and you want to know how to handle the “power” to use it to attract women quickly or you may be new to the game and want the quickest and easiest way to your woman’s heart. Aplikasi pinjaman koperasi excel gratis.

Either way, there’s a grounding principle of seduction that you must know, and it is this: Although men mainly get attracted to the opposite sex because of their physical beauty, women mainly get attracted to men because of how they make them FEEL. What does this mean? Well, quite simple, actually. To women, the perfect man would be an alpha male – a man with a ton of self-confidence and a take-control attitude in life. Yes, very much like you’re the archetype Shogun as preached by Derek Rake.
П™‚ But here’s the kicker though. Even the most confident of us need a couple of “booster” techniques that we can use anytime we see a beautiful woman we want to approach and attract. In this guide, there are three of these techniques which you can use to take your game to the next level. And to make things even better, they are quite easy to learn and master. Contents • • • • • • Before We Proceed Before we go any further, I’ve got to ask you: • Do you really want to do well with women?
• Do you desire the ability to put any woman under your control and dominance? • Are you prepared to keep an open mind in order to receive this valuable knowledge that I am going to give you?
If your answer is “yes” for all three questions, then you’re already ahead of the pack, mindset-wise. Make no mistake – the knowledge that you’re going to find here in this guide will transform your dating life for the better, but only if you take careful notes and not miss out on anything.
To help you out, I’ve prepared a simple Action Checklist which you can use whenever you want to use these techniques on a woman. Simply leaf through this beautiful PDF document and check off everything in the Checklist so that you’re sure that you haven’t forgotten anything. And even better: I’ve also included a bonus extra technique which is not inside this article.
(I’ve got to keep the technique under wraps – you’ll understand why once you see it.) Download the Action Checklist here. FREE: Download the “How To Attract Women” Action Checklist which contains all three of the techniques in this article in a simple step-by-step format. Also, there’s a bonus Mind Control technique (I****** C******) at the end of this Checklist which is not found in this article. When you’ve downloaded the Action Checklist, kindly refrain from sharing it with anyone else, alright? П™‚ Mind Control vs Pickup Artist Tricks Before we go into the three techniques that you’re going to learn today, there’s something that you should know You’ll realize that what you read here is entirely different from Pickup Artist (PUA) stuff that you may be familiar elsewhere. There’s no better way to put it, but truthfully, Mind Control techniques put PUA trickery to shame. And if you’ve been using these PUA tricks on women, you should know that they are harmless at best, and entirely counter-productive at worst.