Persamaan Transistor Npn S80550
Prinsip kerja dari transistor PNP adalah arus akan mengalir dari emitter menuju ke kolektor jika pada pin basis dihubungkan ke sumber tegangan ( diberi logika 1). Arus yang mengalir ke basis harus lebih kecil daripada arus yang mengalir dari emitor ke kolektor, oleh sebab itu maka ada baiknya jika pada pin basis dipasang sebuah resistor. Transistor memiliki kode-kode untuk setiap jenisnya. Kode standart transistor dapat dilihat dibawah ini: 1. 2SAXXXX menunjukkan transistor jenis PNP bertipe frekuensi tinggi.
Alibaba.com offers 37 transistor d13009k products. About 43% of these are transistors, 40% are integrated circuits, and 10% are electronics stocks. A wide variety of transistor d13009k options are available to you, such as triode transistor, field-effect transistor, and logic ics. Absolute Maximum Ratings. Stresses exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may damage the device. The device may not function or be opera- ble above the.
2SBXXXX menunjukkan transistor jenis PNP bertipe frekuensi rendah. 2SCXXXX menunjukkan transistor jenis NPN bertipe frekuensi tinggi.
2SDXXXX menunjukkan transistor jenis NPN bertipe frekuensi rendah. Sedikit nimbrung 1. In NPN Transitor, positive voltage is given to the collector terminal ans current flows from the collector to the emitter, given there is sufficient base current 2.
In PNP Transitor, positive voltage is given to the emitter terminal and current flows from the emitter to the collector, given there is sufficient negative current flow from the base Jadi artikel ini BENAR Link referensi: http://www.learningaboutelectronics.com/Articles/Difference-between-a-NPN-and-a-PNP-transistor.
About product and suppliers: Alibaba.com offers 37 transistor d13009k products. About 43% of these are transistors, 40% are integrated circuits, and 10% are electronics stocks. A wide variety of transistor d13009k options are available to you, such as triode transistor, field-effect transistor, and logic ics. You can also choose from throught hole, surface mount. There are 37 transistor d13009k suppliers, mainly located in Asia. The top supplying country is China (Mainland), which supply 100% of transistor d13009k respectively.
Transistor d13009k products are most popular in Southeast Asia, North America, and Southern Europe. You can ensure product safety by selecting from certified suppliers, including 20 with Other, 1 with ISO9001 certification.