Forced Gvlk Installation Office 2016
• If you want to activate volume license editions of Office 2016, Visio 2016, or Project 2016 with a KMS host or Active Directory-Based activation, you need to first install Office 2016 Volume License Pack. When an Office 2016 volume edition client is installed, it will automatically attempt to activate via either Active Directory by using its existing domain pairing or a DNS-discoverable KMS host on your organization network. To set up Active Directory-Based activation, you must be running Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, or newer.
Ikuti petunjuk dibawah ini untuk install Microsoft Office 2016: 1. Tango argentino mp3. Matikanlah dulu internet. Klik Install GVLK dan centang Forcibly. Due to the recent release of the final RTM version of Microsoft Office 2016, corporate customers can migrate to a new MS Office platform. In this article we’ll deal with the peculiarities of MS Office 2016 activation on a corporate KMS server (FAQ: Understanding MS Key Management Service).
All volume editions of Office 2016 client products are pre-installed with a Generic Volume License Key (GVLK) key, which supports automatic activation for both KMS and Active Directory-Based Activation, so you will not need to install a product key. This download contains an executable file that will extract and install KMS host license files. These license files are required for the KMS host service to recognize Office 2016 KMS host keys. On Windows Server 2012 and volume license editions of Windows 8, you can use your same KMS host key to set up Active Directory-Based activation. 4324.1002 update extends the Key Management Service (KMS) to support co-hosting of Office 2013 and Office 2016 on Windows Server 2008 R2. • • You need to perform this step only if you’re setting up a KMS host on Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 (volume editions). Download and run the update contained in the KB article below.
This update enables your Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7-based KMS host to successfully activate Office 2013 clients that are running on Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012: • Download and run the executable file on this page on a supported operating system. • Enter your Office 2016 KMS host key when prompted. • Activate the product key online. • If setting up a KMS host, open port 1688 to allow the KMS host service through the firewall: • Open Control Panel and click on the Windows Firewall icon. • Click the “Allow a program through Windows Firewall” link. • Click the Change Settings button.

• Check the box for Key Management Service. • To learn more about configuring your KMS host with slmgr.vbs, see the TechNet documentation found on.
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