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Full text of ' International Technical Support Centers Workstation LAN File Services/VM LAN Resource Extension and Services/VM AS/400 PC Support in CID Environment GG24-4073-00 Workstation LAN File Services/VM LAN Resource Extension and Services/VM AS/400 PC Support in CID Environment Document Number GG24-4073-00 July 1993 International Technical Support Center Boca Raton Take Note! — Before using this 'Special Notices' information and the product on page xv. It supports, be sure to read the general information under First Edition (July 1993) This edition applies to Workstation LAN File Services/VM Version 1 Release 1.1, Product Number 5684-120, LAN Resource Extension and Services/VM, Product Number 5684-124, IBM Software Licence Monitor Release 1.0, Program Number 5648-038, IBM LAN Server 3.0, Program Number 52G8222, Operating System/2 Version 2.0, Program Numbers 84F758G, 10G2991, Network Transport Services/2, Program Number 52G821 7, Novell NetWare 3.11 and related products. Order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality.

Publications are not stocked at the address given below. An ITSC Technical Bulletin Evaluation Form for reader's feedback appears facing Chapter 1. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to: IBM Corporation, International Technical Support Center Dept. 91 J, Building 235-2 Internal Zip 4423 901 NW 51st Street Boca Raton, Florida When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a non-exclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993.

Ail rights reserved. Government Users — Documentation related to restricted rights — Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Abstract This document describes the installation and usage of Workstation LAN File Services, LAN Resource Extension and Services for VM, and the PC Support/ 400 for AS/400 processor in order to make the host DASD storage space available for the LAN connected workstation using services of the IBM LAN Server 3.0 and Novell NetWare server 3.11. This document also describes the preparation of the CID code server used for the automated installation of CID enabled products using Network Transport Services/2's CID utilities. The method utilizes the architected distribution specified by CID (Configuration Installation Distribution) strategy. This strategy consists of three elements: LAN redirection, response files and the architected return codes. This document is intended for workstation specialists and system technical personnel responsible for mass distribution of OS/2 V2.0. A knowledge of LANs, OS/2 V2.x and VM host operating system is assumed.

Download Pclp Setup Exe Cross

Personal Systems-CID, Miscellaneous (146 pages) Copyright IBM Corp. 1993 Hi IV CID WLFS-LANRES-AS/400 Contents Abstract iii Special Notices xv Preface xvii How This Document is Organized xvii Related Publications xvii International Technical Support Center Publications xix The ITSC Redbooks about Automated Installation and Maintenance xix Acknowledgments xxi Chapter 1.

Introduction 1 1.1 The ITSC Redbooks about Automated Installation and Maintenance. Automated System Installation Overview 3 2.1 Introduction to CID 3 2.2 Introduction to Redirected Input/Output 4 2.2.1 Connections 5 2.2.2 The Server Workstation 5 2.2.3 Network Transport Services/2 5 2.2.4 The Boot Diskettes 6 2.3 Introduction to Response Files 6 2.3.1 Why the Response File? 6 2.3.2 Response File Basics 7 2.3.3 Response File Processing 7 2.4 Introduction to Installation Methods 7 2.4.1 Standard Installation 8 2.4.2 Attended Redirected Installation 9 2.4.3 Lightly Attended Redirected Installation 11 Chapter 3. Winject torrent.