Nsuns4 Exe
Jan 2, 2017 - “When I execute the game, it launches and immediately tells me “Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4.exe has stopped working.”.

:NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 Latest Fixes: ================================================= * Launcher Added (NSUNS4_option1.exe & NSUNS4_option2.exe included). * Crash Fixed.
*Baruto & Sarada are Added. *A gamepad fix is included in the 'Gamepad Fix' folder.
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(If you need to & to load the settings, select the default 'x360ce.ini' file. Besides, you can select you gamepad controller settings directly from the internet too.) # Link: If you have a 'Low end PC', try the the cracks from the 'Cracks' folder. OR, Simply disable the shadow, vsync, ssaa, fxaa, glare. And clean the junk files, registry errors. Then, restart the pc & end the tasks of the unnecessary processes & launch the game.
LATEST UPDATES for 'NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4' Fixes. Visit this link: ========== =(LATEST)= ========== # NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 All 3 DLC Packs with Updates [100% WORKING & FREE] video link: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find us on - * Facebook: * Google +.
FIX LAG WHEN START THE GAME • First you need to download this file • Extract the file • Copy file config.ini and NSUNS4.exe • Paste the file into the folder where you install Naruto Storm 4 • and right click on NSUNS4.exe > Properties> Check or click the Unblock> Apply (If there is no option to Unblock, go to the next step only) • Run the game until on the menu click minimize or alt + tab • Click task manager> Click Tabs Detail> Right Click on NSUNS4.exe> Set Priority> High (if you used windows 7, Click tab Processes) • And then Run the game, i hope it's solved your problem.