Download Game Psspp Emulator NFS Undergroun 2
Langkah Pertama: Silakan sobat Download terlebih dahulu Emulator PPSSPP Di situs resminya Disini 2. Langkah Kedua: Lalu anda bisa mendownload Game PSP nya Disini 3. Langkah Ketiga: Jika game sudah di download silakan anda extrack file game jika masih berformat.ZIP atau.RAR Setelah itu anda taruh di SDCard di tempat yang sobat mudah diingat. Get Need for Speed Underground 2, Racing, Action Racing game for PS2 console from the official PlayStation® website. Know more about Need for Speed.
Need for Speed: Underground 2 November 15, 2004 November 19, 2004 December 22, 2004 July 27, 2005, () 4 Playable,,,, See also. Need for Speed: Underground 2 ( NFSU2 or NFSUG2) is a cross-platform racing video game published and developed by Electronic Arts. Released in 2004, it is the direct sequel to, and is the eighth installment in the Need for Speed series. The game is based around tuning cars for street races, resuming the Need for Speed: Underground storyline. Need for Speed: Underground 2 provides several new features, such as a broader customization, new methods of selecting races, the 'explore' mode (free driving). Underground 2 also introduces several SUVs, which could be customized as extensively as other Underground 2 vehicles and used to race against other SUV racers. Contents • • • • • • • • Emulation Information 16:9 Need for Speed: Underground 2 has a native 16:9 display option, but it requires enabling it in its internal options and setting Dolphin's Aspect Ratio graphics setting to 'Force 16:9'.
Using the widescreen hack with this title is not recommended. Problems VP6 Videos Need for Speed: Underground 2 uses the VP6 video codec, common in titles, causing it's videos to have vertical line artifacts and other glitches on NVIDIA graphics cards.
The Software Render will display VP6 video correctly, but is typically too slow. Prior to video output was completely scrambled, refer. Rendering improved with but a variety of glitches remain, refer. VP6 rendering also reacts poorly to the Force Texture Filtering enhancements (and Anisotropic Filtering on NVIDIA), causing further scrambling. Compatibility can be assumed to align with the indicated revisions. However, compatibility may extend to prior revisions or compatibility gaps may exist within ranges indicated as compatible due to limited testing.
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Please update as appropriate. Testing This title has been tested on the environments listed below: Test Entries Revision OS Version CPU GPU Result Tester 3.0-692 Windows 7 Intel Core i5-2500K @ 4.5GHz AMD Radeon HD 6850 Perfect: FPS sometimes drops below 30 when there are a lot of vehicles on screen. Resolution:1680x1050, Aspect Ratio:Stretch, Internal Res:Auto, AF:16x Ubuntu 14.10 Intel Core i3-3220 @ 3.3GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Playable.
Gameplay is perfect at 85-100% speed. HLE accurate, car lighting reflections work, and the nitrous meter is fixed, but cutscenes are garbled.
Entering tuning at the garage, my car somehow fell off of the dyno and was hanging off the side of it but after entering a test race and coming back it fixed itself; also there's minor texturing issues, most noticeable around foliage or the letters when naming your profile. While actually racing though these problems are either not present or barely noticeable. Windows 10 Intel Core i5-4690 @ 3.5GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Game runs nearly perfect aside from cutscenes which have some lines through them. No noticeable slowdowns or stuttering. (Vulkan renderer, Internal Res:8x Native, AA:4x MSAA, AF:16x) Gameplay Videos.