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This can cause the skier to lose control or fall and suffer injuries. The recall includes only those bindings manufactured from 1998 through 2002 The year of manufacture can be located on the underside of the heel lever. Description: The recall affects the heel components of the following Atomic alpine ski bindings: Race 310, Race 412, RaceRace 310, RaceRace 412, Xentrix 310, Xentrix 311, Xentrix 412, C310, C311, C412, CR 310, CR 412, R 310, R 412, SX 310, SX 412, Device 311, Device 412, Centro 310, Centro 412, and Dynamic ADX 312, RD10, X412, Centro 412. Atomic neox 310 bindings manual meat. Name of Product: Alpine Ski Bindings Units: About 125,000 (an additional 1.0 million were sold outside the U.S.) Manufacturer: Atomic Skis GmbH, of Austria Hazard: The heel housing of the bindings can crack, causing the binding to release unexpectedly. Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received four reports of injuries, including a concussion and injuries to the shoulder and knee from falls.
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