
Crack Supernova 17.02

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• Please all mark all spoilers with the method indicated below [your text here](/spoiler) Example: Sites of Interest • • • • Related Subreddits • • • • • • • •. Post the 10 weapons you would want in your Ratchet and Clank load out from any game in the series.This is based on how the weapon looks and feels in the game.How much damage the weapon does should not be important, let's just assume it would be optimized and very effective.Feel Free to specify which upgrade version/mods you enjoy + why you like it better than the other weapons similar to it.What weapons do you feel are honorable mentions and maybe which guns you would never want to see again!

• Rapid fire Blasters • Shotgun/Close quarters • Grenade/Bomb • Rocket Launcher • Precision Weapon/Sniper • Miscellaneous/Anything • Miscellaneous/Anything • Automated Assistance • Shields/Self protection • Ultra Weapons • • • • •. 1: V99 Dual Raptors from DL (held gangsta, rainbows bouncing everywhere) 2: Shock Cannon V8 from UYA (so much utility with charge shot and viable even in challenge mode) 3: Mini-nuke from GC (most of the bombs suck but at least this one is a goddamn nuke, and on ultra upgrade it’s actually pretty strong and has 40 shots) edit: while mininuke is fun, I completely forgot about one of my favourite weapons, the maxed Stalker Mine Launcher from Deadlocked, that thing is so fun, powerful and hilarious, and also has uses in speedrunning for clipping through walls! Definitely would take this instead.

4: Gold Devastator from RAC1 (feels the meatiest and having radioactive heatseeking bouncing missiles is pretty awesome, also the sound man!) 5: V99 Anti-Matter Rifle from DL (all the rifles are mediocre but this one is probably the strongest and has the coolest name/concept, also V99 is a rainbow beam that evaporates anything) 6: Quantum Whip (if I have original charge boots) from UYA for the speedrunning movement. Drama bahasa sunda jang 8 orang. 7: RYNO II from GC (since it’s so much fun and it’s probably my favourite weapon from the franchise, who doesn’t love a giant minigun-esque machine that fires energy missiles like billets that instantly detonate any object on contact? So over the top!) 8: Synthenoids from DL/GC (I love these boys, they’re so underrated. Would also maybe pick dreadzone bots or V8 agents of dread from UYA) 9: Drone Device from RAC1 (these guys are so cute and underrated, and actually really powerful. That sound they make as they take damage for you and die is so sad:( ) 10: Harbinger/Supernova from DL (far and away the best superweapon in the franchise, firing tracking missiles that paint the field in tracking markers which then are annihilated by orbital ion cannons (which are also rainbow if V99) is just absurd and the wholesome spirit of the franchise.

Definitely tied for favourite weapon with RYNO II) • • • •. My list would be: • Ion Blaster from R&C1 (auto lock on, fast fate rate and lots of ammo? Sign me up) • Shock Cannon V8 from UYA (My favorite Shotgun type weapon in the series) • The Bouncer from GC and UYA (very powerful and multi bombs in one, nice.) • Warmonger from any game it was in (Powerful and Good looking) • Splitter Rifle V8 from UYA (piecing rounds that go though foes and do heavy damage nice) • Leviathan Flail (it's just so much fun to use) • any gun that turns foes into animals. • Agents of Dread (cute and deadly then run in and nuke the enemies for me, sure I'll take 12.) • Tesla Barrier V8 (mobile bubble shield) • The Ryno R&C 2016. Based on aesthetic and function, of course. These were definitely all my go-to's in each game respectively.