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GTA 5 is a famous game around the world because this game graphic is very HD very nice many people love this game to play. But this GTA 5 game download setup is just 19mb fully highly compressed games for pc and this games graphics also same graphics like original GTA 5 game and its very easy to download and install. First go to below to download GTA 5 on pc just in 19mb after download then Extract GTA 5 compressed file and just click on setup then install the game on your pc after installation then restart your pc after restart then again go to the GTA 5 folder where you Extract then find the launcher and then click on launcher and just click 'YES' then your game is installed on your pc then just click on GTA 5 play button and Enjoy. Grand Theft Auto V is a cool game for GTA lovers. • Download all parts from download links given below. • Right click on the 1st part and click on “Extract here”.
7mbGame.com is a destination to download highly compressed pc games free download full version in the category compressed kids game, compressed car racing game, tiny adventures game, compressed new game etc, including highly compressed free android mobile games.
Other parts will be automatically extracted. • You need Winrar installed to do it. • OR You can also open iso with software called “UltraISO”.
Click on the “Mount to virtual drive” icon on the 3rd bar on top of UltraISO to mount it. Then go to the virtual drive and open it. This is usually just after My Computer. • Once mounted or extracted, Right click on the file named “Setup.exe” and click on “Run As Administrator” to start the game installation.
• Wait for it to install the game on your pc. • Once the installation is complete, Right click on the game icon.exe and then click on “Run as Administrator” to start the game.
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