Update Game We 8 2018
Mereka memiliki sifat dan ciri – ciri yang menjadikan. Orang – orang yang kreatif berbeda dengan orang lain. Bila anda menyusun huruf.
2018 has finally arrived, and with it a year filled to the brim with amazing video games in every genre imaginable. From the sprawling open world Western Red Dead Redemption 2, to the co-op dinosaur hunting Monster Hunter World; from major remakes like Shadow of the Colossus to brand new IPs like Days Gone; from charming JRPGs like Ni No Kuni II, to terrifying horror games like Agony, 2018 is shaping up to be an incredible year for games and gamers. The following list is long but not exhaustive. It doesn’t cover games that haven’t been announced (like the inevitable Call of Duty from Treyarch) or that don’t have titles yet (like the Fire Emblem game coming to Switch.) I’ve also left mobile games out almost entirely. These probably deserve their own list. Likewise, PC games release in such abundance (thousands on Steam each month!) that many indie PC titles have been left out. If I’ve missed anything you think ought to be included, please let me know on. Now, without further ado, let’s get to the games.
Jul 18, 2018 - The Yankee's star's blast was the first of eight solo homers and 10. Find highlights and in-game updates below. We're headed to extras. This includes many of the games that have received an 8 or higher on GameSpot, and we've prioritized games that were nominated for our end-of-year Best PS4 Game lists. Check out our choices for.
Monster Hunter World. Dragon Ball FighterZ Release Date: Jan 26 Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PS4 The first proper fighting game in the Dragon Ball Z series, Dragon Ball FighterZ brings 3 vs 3 matches similar to Marvel vs Capcom with the ability to swap out characters during a fight. Monster Hunter World Release Date: Jan 26 Platforms: Xbox One, PS4 The first current-gen Monster Hunter entry, this also marks the series’ biggest world wide release. The franchise is much more popular in Japan, but hopefully break into the West with Monster Hunter World’s giant, seamless environments and online co-op. Shadow Of The Colossus Remake Release Date: Feb 6 Platforms: PS4 Whether or not you played the original Shadow of the Colossus, this remake (not remaster) looks absolutely gorgeous. One of the most creative games ever made, SotC pits you and your trusty horse against massive colossi who you then have to climb and subdue. Shadow of the Colossus Kingdom Come: Deliverance Release Date: Feb 15 Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PS4 I have some serious concerns about this game, but I do love the concept.
It’s like Skyrim or The Witcher 3 but set in a realistic Medieval open-world. I love the idea of an expansive Medieval RPG but recent footage of wooden dialogue and less-than-stellar facial animations has me concerned that this is releasing too soon. Don’t be surprised if it’s delayed. Secret Of Mana Remake Release Date: Feb 15 Platforms: PC, PS4, PS Vita Another remake (not remaster) of yet another classic, though Secret of Mana is a game that dates back to the SNES era. Still one of the best JRPGs of all time (with a lovely score) I am beyond hyped to return to the game.
I may have to play the original version on my SNES Classic Edition first, however. Metal Gear: Survive Release Date: Feb 20 Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PS4 I’m not sure if I’m excited for Metal Gear: Survive or if what I’m feeling is morbid curiosity. It’s no secret that Konami and Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima parted ways after Metal Gear Solid V. The question is whether Konami can make a good Metal Gear game without him. I think they can—theoretically—I’m just not sure this is that game.
We shall see. 3gpmobilemovies 2017 download. Moss for PSVR Moss Release Date: Feb 27th Platforms: PS VR I’m not a huge fan of VR games. They still feel mostly gimmicky. But Moss, the story of a little mouse on a big adventure, looks incredibly charming.
It’s one of those games I see and think “Why can’t this be just a regular game rather than a VR game?” But I’m crossing my fingers that it will pleasantly surprise us. Sea Of Thieves Release Date: March 20 Platforms: PC, Xbox One Sea of Thieves looks like a cool concept that’s maybe a few years too late. I want to believe that it will be a big hit for the Xbox One, but cartoony pirate co-op strikes me as something with fairly limited reach. I hope I’m wrong and the game is a smash hit that defies all expectations. At the same time, I think I’d be more excited for a big pirate game that was more solo-focused with co-op as an option. Sea of Thieves Yakuza 6: The Song Of Life Release Date: March 20 Platforms: PS4 I’ve never really gotten into the Yakuza series but that’s something I aim to change in 2018.