
Tsawabit Wal Mutaghayyirat Ppt

Istilah tsawabit dan Mutaghayirat dipopulerkan oleh sejumlah ulama fikih kontemporer. Di antara yang mempopulerkan kedua istilah ini adalah Syaikh Dr. Shalah As-Shawi, pada sektiar 1980-an. Karyanya yang mendunia pada waktu itu adalah Ats-Tsawabit wa Al-Mutaghayyirat fi Masiratil ‘Amal Al-Islami Al-Mu’ashir. Jan 01, 2012  Maka, kehadiran buku Ats-Tsawabit Wal-Mutaghayyirat karya Jum’ah Amin ini menjadi cahaya terang yang bisa dijadikan referensi tentang Ikhwan, tidak hanya bagi kadernya tetapi juga bagi simpatisan dan umat Islam secara umum.

1.Measurement, Testing and Quality Control Dr. Amal Al-Rashdan Manager, Central Analytical Laboratory Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research 2. Introduction to Quality Concept 2. What is Quality Control?3. Effective Quality Control Program 4. What is Quality Assurance?5.

Why is QA Important?6. QA in Laboratory Basic Elements Input Control Resource Control Method Control 3. QualityConcept Essential commodities for life-water-food -air -medicationsAre tested by laboratories. Results must provide accurate information. This is a complex issue.

Therefore, organizations and agencies setup ownstandards for accepting laboratory data. Acceptance may be called accreditation or certification. General Terms Quality What does that Mean? Quality means that the customer comes back, and not the product Quality and Liability are tightly connected 5. Quality A very important remark: No data is better than poor data 6. What is Quality Control? Quality Control (QC) refers to theSpecific activities such as Control check samples, control Charts, audits and corrective actions.

Importance Of Quality Control Successful laboratories inevitably place great emphasis on managing quality control - carefully planned steps taken to ensure that their services/results offered to their customers are consistent and reliable and truly meet their customers' needs. Effective Quality Control Program Facilitates continuous improvementIncreases customer satisfactionPromotes the use of quality principles, concepts, and technologies 9. What Is Quality Assurance? Quality Assurance means the overall plan and system in which quality control takes place.10.

What Is Quality Assurance? Quality assurancesystem requirements of laboratories conducting measurements, analyses and calibration activities aredefinedby the standards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/IEC. QAis applicable toall organizationsregardless of type, size and products/services provided. Quality Assurance Laboratory Quality Assurance (QA) encompasses a range of activities that enable laboratories to achieve and maintain high levels of accuracy and proficiency despite changes in test methods and the volume of samples tested.12. Quality Assurance A good QA system does these four things:Establishes standard operating procedures (SOPs) for each step of the laboratory testing process, ranging from sample handling to instrument performance validation;Defines administrative requirements, such as mandatory recordkeeping, data evaluation, and internal audits to monitor adherence to SOPs;Specifies corrective actions, documentation, and the persons responsible for carrying out corrective actions when problems are identified; andSustains high-quality employee performance.13.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control Quality Assurance and Quality Control are the back bone of any organization. They areessentialfor obtaining consistentgood qualityproducts(results) and providing good quality services toachieveandmaintaincustomer satisfaction. Quality Control & Quality Assurance Quality Control/Quality Assurancepromotesquality culturein all laboratories throughdevelopment and implementation ofharmonized working procedures andmonitorthe effectivenessthroughinternal audits.All testing and calibration methods aredocumentedand validated whichimprovestheaccuracy of resultsandminimizethe chances oferrors.

WHY IS QA IMPORTANT? Quality assurance is the main pillar of any types of laboratories (i.e analytical, clinical and etc.). Quality is the most important aspect, which affects the level of success of the laboratories.

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One should never ever compromise with the quality aspect. The reputation of laboratories will enhance, only if you provide quality.Defined qualification for every personnel requirement results in selection ofright personnel for right job.16. WHY IS QA IMPORTANT? Defined job descriptioneliminates confusionsand enhances the work output. Trainingneed assessment helps in continuesgrowthof individuals and overall organization. WHY IS QA IMPORTANT? All testing and calibration methods aredocumentedand validated whichimprovestheaccuracy of resultsandminimizethe chances oferrors.