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Jan 31, 2018 - Free Download Immortal Technique Revolutionary Vol 1 Full Album MP3, Size: 76.75 MB, Duration: 58 minutes and 19 seconds, Bitrate: 192.
Originally self-released in 2002 in an edition of only 3,000 copies, the plain-spoken politics (the title of this album is not to be taken lightly) and bare-bones production of missed MTV and Rap City entirely, surprise surprise. However, the album built enough underground buzz, helped by the more widely distributed the following year, that it was reissued in 2004, sounding as up-to-date as ever. Works the same political side of the street as and, but much like, the godfather of the political rap scene, the Peruvian-born rapper never lets his ideas get in the way of his flow, and manages to express complex and reasoned opinions, only occasionally devolving into simple sloganeering. Those who found the beats on too skeletal for their likes, however, will likely find its predecessor even tougher sledding; however, the homemade-sounding production is perfectly suitable for the noncorporate sentiments of 's lyrics, and has a similar rough-edged charm.