Pulgas Em Angola Pdf
Tunga is the most specialized genus among the Siphonaptera because adult females penetrate into the skin of their hosts and, after mating and fertilization, undergo hypertrophy, forming an enlarged structure known as the neosome. In humans and other warm-blooded animals, neosomes cause tungiasis, which arises due to the action of opportunistic agents. Psikotes pola gambar pdf. Although its effects on humans and domestic animals are well described in the literature, little is known about the impact of tungiasis on wild animals. This review focuses on the morphology, taxonomy, geographical distribution, hosts, prevalence, sites of attachment, and impact of tungid neosomes on wild and domestic animals.
Aug 21, 2014 - In fact, in Angola, T. Penetrans was found infesting the wild suid. (PDF 466 kb). Nuevos registros de pulgas (Siphonaptera) parasitas de. Purga em angola pdf Purga em angola pdf Purga em angola pdf Quem SomosFolha 8 O Folha 8 e um jornal Angolano. Interrogada sobre este numero, Eugenia Neto exclama: 'Isso e mentira.
Because neosomes are the most characteristic form of the genus Tunga and also the form most frequently found in hosts, they are here differentiated and illustrated to aid in the identification of the 13 currently known species. Perspectives for future studies regarding the possibility of discovering other sand flea species, adaptation to new hosts, and the transfer of tungids between hosts in natural and modified habitats are also presented. Tunga species Neosomes Shape Measurements (mm) (length × width × height) Head and thorax in relation to the abdomen (lateral view) Caudal disk (segments IV–X) T. Penetrans Globular without lobes 6 × 5 × 4 Evaginated Flattened, wider than long T. Caecata Globular without lobes 7 × 6 × 6 Invaginated Conical, almost as wide as long T. Travassosi Globular without lobes 13 × 8 × 10 Invaginated Conical, as wide as long T.
Terasma Subcylindrical with four lateral prominent lobes 10 × 9 × 13 Evaginated Cylindrical, longer than wide T. Bondari Mushroom-shaped with a stem, as that generated by a nuclear explosion 6 × 6 × 5 Evaginated Cylindrical, longer than wide T. Caecigena Elliptical with four lobes: dorsal and ventral portions of similar dilatation 7–10 × 5 × 6 Not visible in profile Cylindrical, longer than wide T. Callida Spherical with four lobes: dorsal portion more swollen than the ventral portion 4.5 × 4.5 × 4.5 Not visible in profile Cylindrical, as long as wide T. Libis Vertically elliptical and without lobes higher than long Not visible in profile – T. Monositus Bell-shaped with 8 lobes, arranged as 4 large outer lobes and 4 small inner lobes 6 × 5.4 × 4.5 Evaginated but not visible in profile Flattened, wider than long T.
Trimamillata Globular with 3 lobes located anteriorly 12 × 5 × 5 Evaginated but not visible in profile Conical, wider than long T. Bossii Globular without lobes 9 × 8 × 7 Invaginated Flattened, wider than long T. Bonneti Horizontally elliptical with rugby ball shape 10 × 6 Invaginated – T. Hexalobulata Spherical with six lobes located anteriorly, pearl-white colored, slightly compressed in anterior direction 4 × 4 × 4 Evaginated but not visible in profile Conical, wider than long. Species of Tunga Type: number of true hosts Species of mammal hosts T. Penetrans Polyxenous Artiodactyla: Bos taurus, Sus scrofa, Capra hircus, Ovis aries, Pecari tajacu, Lama glama, Vicugna vicugna, Potamochoerus porcus Carnivora: Canis familiaris, Felis catus, Panthera onca Cingulata: Dasypus novencinctus, D. Hybridus, Chaetophractus villosus Perissodactyla: Tapirus terrestris, Equus cabalus, Equus sp.
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