Pre Recorded Indian Railway Announcement Download
Mumbai: It's not just road traffic that raises noise levels. Railway stations subject us to the same degree of cacophony. Suburban train frequency being at an average of four minutes, audio announcements are made repetitively, round-the-clock in three languages - Marathi, Hindi and English - at every stop on the citywide network. Apart from announcing arrivals, prerecorded messages on cleanliness, safety and security are also broadcast at regular intervals. It's like the tower of Babel minus Nimrod.
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Often the messages on the public address (PA) system are not even audible. What's worse, it's loud enough to be heard in nearby residential areas, whose denizens complain of irritation, sleep disorder and lack of concentration as a result of this 24x7 assault on their senses. And just in case anyone thought they could escape the din by boarding a train, that's out of question -the announcements continue to pursue you during the commute as well. Clearly, railways do not believe in adopting attractive visual displays and noise-less standards that are the norm for transport hubs the world over. Their officials say there are no plans to change the existing system either. G C Agarwal, general manager for Central Railway and Western Railway, said, “Change in loudspeakers from the present ones to better ones would be a long drawn process and will require a lot of funds.Railways has to use to its sparse resources judiciously.“ He said the issue has been “extensively deliberated on“ but “a consensus has emerged that there is no need to make changes as it can create more inconvenience for commuters.“ Well, what could be more inconvenient?
On the WR line, one is even forced to hear ad jingles in between announcements. Borivali resident Dhimantt Bhatt said, “For a few bucks, railways has been making travel more inconvenient.People barely get any respite.“ Apart from passengers, for thousands of families who live along these busy stations, the noise is a risk to their physical and mental health with prospects of permanent damage to the nervous system due to constant exposure.
Sanjay Sarolkar, 55, a consulting engineer who lives in Sudarshan Colony opposite railway station in Thane, says shrill announcements and deafening train horns trigger a sense of irritation. Janak Madhavdas who lives opposite Churchgate station in aresidential building, says Western Railway too brazenly violates rules which require it to keep noise levels in the 40-75 decibel range. He says the loudspea kers at the station “constantly emit more that 80-100 db noise levels (checked on my Decibel 10th phone App, well beyond the boundary of the railway station).“ He says the station uses the PA system well past1am and restarts using it from around 5am everyday. “What is nerveracking is that at times, specially late nights the manual announcement system is used to page maintenance staff!“ He also points to constant He also points to constant hooting by trains at all hours.“Nowhere in the world (at least developed and developing co untries) where I have travelled by trains have I heard stationary trains hooting!,“ he says. Dr Mahesh Bedekar, who has measured noise levels near Thane station, says such exposure to noise can make people susceptible to a condition called tinnitus where one constantly hears a buzzing noise. Activist Sumaira Abdulali suggested that the railways should install noise barriers close to stations to counter the problem. “This will serve two purposes.
Those residing close to stations will be shielded from noise. Also, it can help prevent trespassing-related cases.“.
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