I Believe My Heart Duncan James And Keddies
Whenever I see your face the world disappears, All in a single glance so revealing. You smile and I feel as though I've know you for years.
How do I know to trust what I'm feeling? I believe my heart, What else can I do? When every part of every thought leads me straight to you. I believe my heart. There's no other choice, For now whenever my heart speaks, I can only hear your voice The life-time before we met has faded away. How did I live a moment without you?
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You don't have to speak at all, I know what you'd say. And I know every secret about you.

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Duncan James from Blue and EMI Classics Recording Artist Keedie have Joined Forces to Record the Sensational 'i Believe My Heart'. 'i Believe My Heart' is the Lead Song from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Musical 'The Woman in White', Starring Michael Crawford and Maria Friedman. Lyrics to 'I Believe My Heart' song by Duncan James: Whenever I see your face the world disappears, All in a single glance so revealing. You smile an.
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