Contoh Telaahan Staf Studi Banding
Untuk kepentingan ini maka peserta studi banding hendak menjelaskan serta membandingkan beberapa aspek sehubungan dengan obyek studi banding antara staf Ahli Kabupaten Purbalingga dengan Staf Ahli Kabupaten Wakatobi berdasarkan sasaran yang telah ditetapkan yaitu menyangkut dasar hukum Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi Staf Ahli, penyelenggaraan manajemen yang menyangkut personalia dan sarana prasarana pendukung pelaksanaan Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi Staf Ahli dan hasil-hasi telaahan bidang tugas Staf.
• This process brought about the merging of people of diverse belief and culture into a. Challenge of onerous task in socio-political milieu of Nigeria has underscored sore. Would be either directly from government media, or from the mass. • Hiber Dragor 2015-01-01 Full Text Available Serbia's courts jurisprudence has divergent attitudes with respect to the dilemma whether a surety contract represents a contract without consideration, which may be avoided once the guarantor is subject to bankruptcy procedure without any additional conditions, or an onerous contract.
Whether a surety contract is an onerous one has anyhow been disputed in the legal theory. One school of thought considers this contract as non- onerous one, since vis-a-vis guarantor's obligation no benefit to be expected from the other contractual party (i. Creditor exists. The other school of thought understands surety (almost always as an onerous contract bearing in mind that the guarantor who enters into this contract does not have intentio liberalis. There are numerous and nuanced views based on analyses of the relation between a guarantor and a debtor focused on the argument that surety is a contract without consideration if intentio liberalis existed vis-a-vis main debtor rather than vis-a-vis creditor. Our legal literature did not pay much attention to that issue until recently.
In a rare text dedicated to it the author's basic standpoint is that surety represents a contract without consideration. An exception, depending on the circumstances of the case, could be surety given by a parent company for the obligation of a subsidiary, provided the former reasonably expected a benefit in terms of an increase in the value of shares. Commercial courts followed such reasoning. In this article an opposite stance has been argued.
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Namely, the onerousness of surety must be assessed based on the relation between the guarantor and the main debtor rather than between the guarantor and the creditor. As a rule, surety is an onerous contract because the guarantor expects to collect from the debtor through subrogation the amount he paid to the creditor; exceptionally, surety may be a non- onerous contract if intentio liberalis existed vis-a-vis main debtor. However, this • Barton, Jennifer K.; Rice, Photini S.; Howard, Caitlin C.; Koevary, Jen W.; Danford, Forest; Gonzales, David A.; Vande Geest, Jon; Latt, L. Daniel; Szivek, John A.; Amodei, Richard; Slayton, Michael 2018-02-01 Tendinopathies and tendon tears heal slowly because tendons have a limited blood supply. Intense therapeutic ultrasound ( ITU) is a treatment modality that creates very small, focal coagula in tissue, which can stimulate a healing response. This pilot study investigated the effects of ITU on rabbit and rat models of partial Achilles tendon rupture.
The right Achilles tendons of 20 New Zealand White rabbits and 118 rats were partially transected. Twenty-four hours after surgery, ITU coagula were placed in the tendon and surrounding tissue, alternating right and left legs. At various time points, the following data were collected: ultrasound imaging, optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging, mechanical testing, gene expression analysis, histology, and multiphoton microscopy (MPM) of sectioned tissue.
Ultrasound visualized cuts and treatment lesions. OCT showed the effect of the interventions on birefringence banding caused by collagen organization.
MPM showed inflammatory infiltrate, collagen synthesis and organization. By day 14- 28, all tendons had a smooth appearance and histology, MPM and OCT still could still visualize residual healing processes. Few significant results in gene expression were seen, but trends were that ITU treatment caused an initial decrease in growth and collagen gene expression followed by an increase.