
Batchenc Executive Branch

Jul 12, 2007 - Lisa Smith-Batchen's Badwater Double. Smith-Batchen, now 45 years old with a home in Idaho, is an elite ultradistance athlete. Raymond Britt is a Chicago-based business executive, writer and photographer who has. View Lauren Batcheck's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional. For many of you in and around the outdoor industry, you may already know James.

Use LinkedIn to discover meaningful work and make new connections in the new year. — ReWork’s search team has spent thousands of hours combing LinkedIn profiles — we use it every day as a search tool to assess candidates’ experience, competencies, creativity, and personality.

As a recruiter who connects with meaningful work, I’ve seen the power of the LinkedIn profile. This is the online place to showcase your unique personal brand and attract like-minded recruiters, peers, and industry connections.

In short: a well-crafted LinkedIn profile can help your dream job find you. And lot of people aren’t taking advantage. Which means you have a chance to stand out and be emergent. I’ve outlined 8 steps for improving your LinkedIn profile — follow these, and you’ll join the top 10% of LinkedIn, and potentially increase your connections 10x. PREPARE • Change your settings so people don’t get alerted every time you update your profile. • Know your audience. Who are you trying to reach?

Who is the audience you are trying to attract? Recruiters in a new industry? Professional contacts in your current industry?

What will your audience will be looking for? • Prepare some “keywords” — buzzwords or jargon used by industry insiders. This can describe your job title, skills, certifications, or descriptions of your work.

(Example: Process Design, Financial Analysis, Data Analytics, Six Sigma.) Often times someone is quickly viewing your photo and headline – demand their attention using keywords! MAKE A CUSTOM URL FOR YOUR PUBLIC PROFILE • Don’t hide behind an obscure profile URL like this: • Do shorten your profile URL to your first and last name if possible (Ex: ).

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Here’s This makes you easier to find and allows for continuity across social media. Quick Tip: You could also include this link in your email signature to drive attention. MAKE YOUR “HEADLINE” COMPELLING This is an important opportunity to make yourself memorable. Don’t squander it! It doesn’t have to be your current job title. At the core, LinkedIn is just another search engine. Make your headline memorable but also easily searchable using words related to your field.

Example: “Lauren Batcheck: I believe in empowerment to create positive social change” or “Lauren Batcheck: Recruiting Detective. Curious Matchmaker. Problem Solver.” 4. INCLUDE A PROFILE PICTURE Your photograph is a visual representation of who you are to the world. While professional-looking headshots are great, be sure that your photo is also approachable. Use a high quality photo, but don’t be afraid to let it reflect your whole self. SHARE YOUR VALUES IN YOUR “SUMMARY” The summary on your LinkedIn profile is gold.

This is your space to differentiate yourself, paint the picture of who you are in the world, and describe the legacy you are creating. • Write it in first person. For example: I am a maniacal evil genius NOT Lauren Batcheck is a maniacal evil genius. • Express your values and how those are a part of your life and work. People want to know what motivates you and how that inspires the work you do. • Near the end of the summary, we encourage you to list your specialties, something interesting that you’re working on, and/or unique facts about yourself. Here’s the last portion of my summary: “Fun Facts: • I love adrenaline, adventure, and exploration, and would jump out of airplanes everyday if I could.

• You’ll find Jack Kerouac, Daniel Quinn, and Susan Cain on my bookshelf. Something Weird That Makes Me Happy: Garlic stuffed green olives, wasabi peas, and shooting cans with my Red Ryder BB Gun.

Favorite ReWork Value: A Whole Self – A priority on people as complete selves – not just your work self, but your whole self – including the messy stuff and the polished stuff, even when it’s uncomfortable. All of that is accepted at ReWork. Lets Connect.

Batchenc Executive Branch

Lauren.batcheck@rework.jobs” Here’s a different example, from ReWork Search Director Logan Pugh: “My life’s purpose is to build greater educational and economic opportunity for all. Growing up in Appalachia, it motivates everything I do.